Monday Momentum
Welcome to Monday Momentum - Your weekly dose of inspiration designed to kickstart your week with energy, motivation, and focus
A Quote I Like:
"Vision is when frustration with what is, creates passion for what could be"
I wrote this one down as soon as I heard it, but it took reading it a few times to really grasp what it meant. Everyone "settles" to some degree with their current life, whether it's where you live, your job, or the food you eat. Even if you're unhappy with your reality, it's still exactly what you've decided you're ok with. Harness that frustration of feeling like you aren't where you believe you should be, and use it to create a vision that catapults you to new heights. Words are cheap. Action is your best friend when it comes to changing your life. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes.
One Thing to Try This Week:
This week's tip comes from my girlfriend. She texted me, "Let's bring back those fun hobbies from when we were kids." Give it a shot—do something you used to do as a kid—a puzzle, board game, colouring book, etc. (I had a cool, not nerdy at all rock polisher). Life isn't meant to be taken so seriously all the time. Have fun, use your imagination, and be creative.
Resource of the Week:
Insight Timer - A free meditation app that I've been using for the past couple of months. It's been very helpful if you're a first-timer when it comes to the meditation game. There are filters for morning, sleep, or focus meditations. I mostly do the sleep meditations and often find myself catching Zzz's before they even finish. My dad has been trying to get me to meditate since I was 5 years old; maybe he was onto something there...
Crush your week <3
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