2 min read

What You Aren't Changing, You're Choosing

Welcome to Monday Momentum - Your weekly dose of inspiration designed to kickstart your week with energy, motivation, and focus

A Quote I Like:

“What you aren't changing, you're choosing.”

This quote reminds me of a classic Rush lyric: “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” Inaction is still a decision. By not changing something, you’re basically saying you’re okay with living in a situation you're unhappy with. The truth? Change is uncomfortable, but staying stuck is usually worse. When your back is against the wall, it’s easy to take action because you’ve got no other option. Don’t wait for it to get to that point—start making moves now.

This shows up everywhere in life. Take me, for example—I’ve wanted to move to a new apartment for years, but I kept telling myself it was too expensive or too much hassle. The truth is, by not budgeting or checking listings, I am CHOOSING to stay put. Same with exercise. I’m not happy with my current fitness level, but it’s way too easy to choose Netflix over a workout. Change doesn’t have to be huge right away. Start small—lay out your gym clothes the night before, take the stairs, or walk the long way home. Even if the big stuff feels out of reach, you can always find ways to start moving in the right direction.

One Thing to Try This Week:

It’s the shiny, sparkly start of the year, and everyone’s resolutions are in full swing. While you’ve got this burst of motivation, ask yourself: what not-so-great things in your life have you been choosing? Maybe it’s that nagging pain you’ve been ignoring or the pile of cardboard boxes you keep meaning to recycle (guilty).

Pick 1-3 things to focus on and brainstorm tiny ways to start tackling them. It doesn’t have to be big or overwhelming—just something that helps you move forward and make progress. Choose to change!

Resource of the Week:

Here are a few websites that can help you get started on making small but mighty changes.

  • Mark Manson’s Blog – Packed with deep, no-nonsense insights about personal responsibility and life choices.
  • Lifehack.org – Offers tips and resources for making productive and positive life changes.
  • BetterUp Blog – Focuses on building resilience, creating change, and fostering personal growth.

See you next week :)
