2 min read

Be Kind to Yourself

Welcome to Monday Momentum - Your weekly dose of inspiration designed to kickstart your week with energy, motivation, and focus

A Quote I Like:

"The easiest person to deceive is one's own self."

One of my greatest strengths (or weaknesses, depending on how I use it) is how I speak to myself. One day, I am my number one fan, hyping myself up until the cows come home. Praising my hard work and progress on the latest challenge I've taken on. The next day, I am my own worst enemy, telling myself stories about how this didn't work out, how that person did something wrong to me, or how I'm doing a terrible job and nobody likes me (not dramatic at all, right?). No one can make me more mad than ME.

While self-talk is certainly beneficial, you need to be extremely careful how you employ it. A good rule of thumb is to never speak to yourself in a way you wouldn't speak to a friend. We are inherently much more forgiving and understanding towards the people we love, so why not extend that kindness to ourselves? Don't let your mind deceive you into creating a vision of yourself that is born out of frustration.

One Thing to Try This Week:

Next time you catch yourself in a cycle of negative self-talk, try to re-frame your perspective and think about how you would help a friend through the same situation. What advice would you give them? What could you do to get their mind off things? Or would you simply just listen to how they feel without judgment?

Self-talk is powerful! The way I see it, if I can make myself angry, there's no reason why I can't make myself happy too.

Resource of the Week:

The 3-2-1 Newsletter by James Clear - I have signed up for more newsletters than any one man should, but this one is my favourite and one I look forward to every Thursday. Each newsletter includes three short ideas from James, two quotes from others, and one question for you to ponder. I'm always left inspired to write down new quotes or add new habits to my life. Without a doubt, this newsletter provides the most value for me every week; I highly recommend signing up!

See you next week <3
